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Cooke Optics Completes Varotal/i FF Zoom Range with New 19-40mm Lens

19 40mm
By: Cooke团队  |   1 阅读时长:分钟

Cooke Optics has released a 19-40mm wide zoom in its Varotal/i FF range, which joins the 30-95mm medium and 85-215mm long zooms that were launched at the end of 2021. The 19-40mm zoom completes the Varotal/i FF series, enabling Cooke to offer broad focal length coverage for the majority of production needs.

The Varotal/i FF T2.9 spherical zoom series offers superb resolution, constant optical speed and minimal breathing throughout the range.

All Varotal/i FF zooms deliver the famed Cooke Look™, offering natural, flattering skin tone and character, and match the Cooke S8/i FF (at T2.8) and S7/i FF prime lenses, enabling cinematographers to preserve their creative intent when switching between primes and zooms.

The Varotal/i FF series offers focal length coverage from 19mm to 215mm. This coverage provides cinematographers with huge flexibility in the focal length choice from only three lenses, and the set is designed with suitable crossover between focal lengths.


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Varotal/i FF 19-40mm

The new 19-40mm lens is the widest of the three Varotal/i FFs, and slightly lighter at 3.5kg (7.7lbs), with 30-95mm and 85-215mm lenses both weighing 4kg (8.8lbs). As the widest zoom with suitable close focus of 320mm, this is an ideal lens for Steadicam work, allowing the camera operator to obtain fluid moving shots while getting close to the subject.

With an ergonomic design and solid casing, the lenses are relatively compact when considering their focal length range, speed, and image circle. /i Technology connectivity is provided to both camera and the Lemo connection on the side of the lens, making lens data accessible to production from a zoom.

Tim Pugh, CEO, Cooke Optics, said, “We are immensely proud to complete the Varotal/i FF range with the new wide zoom. This cutting edge series gives even more flexibility to creatives in choosing how to tell their stories, offering the Cooke Look in a zoom range to match our celebrated primes.”

“When we started planning, I didn’t know about the Varotal, and the other full frame zooms just weren’t doing it for me. I’ve used Cooke’s before – the Speed Panchro/i’s, S4s, and miniS4s – as well as many other lenses from other companies, but those zooms from those other companies… what I needed was just not there. I wanted something that both worked creatively, and was still relatively lightweight and mobile.”

Sarah Whelden | Director of Photography

The full Varotal/i FF series is now available to order!

Jon Fauer, ASC wrote an in depth article in Film and Digital Times covering new Varotal/i FF. To read this in full click here.

Vartoal/i FF Demo Film

Man of the Soil

Man of the Soil - Varotal/i FF Demo footage Directed by Dino Kazamia, Cinematography by Dylan Bruce, Filmed at Tuffon Hall Vineyard, Shot on ARRI Alexa Mini LF

Vartoal/i FF Demo Film

The Catcher in the Town

Direction by Qinuo Wang, Cinematography by Enson Ying.

Vartoal/i FF Demo Films

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Vartoal/i FF Demo Film : Man of the Soil

Man of the Soil - Varotal/i FF Demo footage Directed by Dino Kazamia, Cinematography by Dylan Bruce, Filmed at Tuffon Hall Vineyard, Shot on ARRI Alexa Mini LF

Varotal Demo Film Image

Vartoal/i FF Demo Film : The Catcher in the Town

Direction by Qinuo Wang, Cinematography by Enson Ying.